Monday, June 4, 2012

LOFT LIFE: Soon every day will be a Monday

Once upon a time, I did consulting for a workers’ compensation (no it’s not workman’s anymore) insurance company on Wall Street. I was marketing safety services to the utility industry, who were the clients of this insurance company.
I learned that in terms of safety, Mondays were the days when most accidents happened, and during a crisis, where there was high alert, few accidents happened.
Of course, my plan of action was to make the workers aware that Mondays WERE the crisis days to be aware of.
Recently, one of my print ad sales people sent me an email, which I misread, so my reply was not making sense. He resent the email in large, bold, RED letters. This was on a Monday. That time I got it. More recently, I sent a question, which he thought should have had an attachment, but didn’t. His humor to ask for the attachment was: “Aren’t Mondays wonderful!” There really wasn’t supposed to be an attachment, so it was Monday for him too.
That reminded me of a trip to Panera Bread where they employ a lot of seniors. Now, I like seniors--usually. After all, I ARE one.
But, this was beyond funny: The older female was literally steering the patron to more healthful choices with, “You want the turkey with....” just like your mom would. An older gentleman cashier was taking an order for something another patron wanted “on the side,” which he heard as a “side” salad. When the patron received the wrong order, the order taker cheerfully corrected it. But I had to chuckle that this was all about hearing impairment, and I was imagining the collection of order humor we are about to experience as seniors multiply and hearing diminishes.
So, just think. With the economy tanking, and retirement savings interest and dividends dwindling, these Baby Boomers who already resist aging and the term senior, are all going to be staying in the work force for another 30 years or so.
Imagine those customer service phone calls you now make being answered by older, wiser folks, if not the off-shore folks; your sandwiches being prepared by good old Mom--now good old Grandma too; and your goods and services being made and provided by this older generation. 
Add to that most commercials for almost everything are being written and produced by 20-somethings who do not really speak the same language as the Boomers, and you can expect to experience a sense of the surreal when you try to match up the ads to the in-store, online or on-the-phone experience you have.

Humorous as this sounds, I predict we will all be having a lot of Mondays. 


  1. Love it! And resemble it!

    Toni M

  2. Hearing impairment? WHAT? Can you say it again? Ahhhh yes. I did forget my hearing aids! It must be Monday!

    Maybe it's because I am 72, but sometimes it seems the Gen X & Y "kids" also have hearing impairment: perhaps too many rock concerts/headphones with Bose! Or perhaps I have just started the Monday mumbles :-))

    Today I dropped out of my Catalan class! I finally gave up trying to hear words completely foreign to me: words that when classmates repeated 4-5 times before I could sort of pronounce the syllables correctly. I guess Barcelona will not collapse if I continue using Spanglish - or CataSpanglish. hehehehe.

    Aaron Ashcraft

    P.S. Another great article!

  3. Thanks Aaron. I am sure you will make yourself understood. ;)

  4. Hi Marjorie,
    I really enjoyed your blog post, and it is interesting to think about mom serving your food and telling you that you really shouldn't be drinking that coke because the carmel coloring has been shown to be carcinogenic. I worked as a waitress a few years ago, and I caught myself giving motherly advice quite often. I think the younger generation treated me the same way my kids do by simply ignoring my advice LOL.
    As far as hearing loss is concerned, I work as a telerecruiter now, and there are times I simply cannot understand a word they are saying, no matter how much I raise the volume. Of course it could be the Spanish.... Anyway, enjoy your stuff and keep at it. Hope you will visit my blog again at

  5. Ellen

    I so appreciate your comment and keeping the discussion going. I really want to know these experiences. Even though I try to write with humor, there is always a seriousness to the underlying tone. Thanks for appreciating that.

  6. Haha, love this post! "I are one". You are too cute and it so sad that some people will actually have to work at such an old age.

  7. Daisy

    So good to get an opinion from a young'un. Actually I think it will have the effect of making seniors live longer, since they will feel useful. It is statistically reported that once you put an old person into a care facility, they die within 3 years. So maybe that is more sad. I will probably never retire. I just can't seem to see the point. I am, however, slowing down, and I do feel some guilt even for doing that.
