Wednesday, December 30, 2009

LOFT LIFE: On Death and Dying

OK, I have already raced through all the stages of grief, except maybe acceptance, and I have some comments--probably unrelated to grief, but oh well.

It seems that in addition to the mold-induced pneumonia, the radiologist spotted a spot, which he called a “NODULE” on my lung--not sure if it is right or left. So now my nightmares and bright outlook are in a deeper struggle for victory, and I am instructed to see a pulmonary specialist.

My call for prayer has resulted in emails from around the country, from family and friends who are all so loving, wise and responsive. Do you all know how much that means? Everything! For me, this is almost worth being sick, just to know how much love surrounds me--although no one has sent chocolate yet, which may be good, because I forgot to request the organic dark kind from the sustainable farms of the third world, or something like that. Not completely clear on this.

My daughter says she wishes she had cleaned the fridge, and after a crying jag of feeling overwhelming love, I assured her that I am sooo glad it was NOT her asthmatic self who had to do that awful, pneumonia-ridden task.

I have already made an appointment with Dr. G, the specialist, and even though I told him not to call unless I was dying, after he read my x-ray, he did call, hadn’t read the x-ray, and evidently didn’t know his call would send me into hyperspace. But, he called to answer my prior request of advice on how much activity was wise for a pneumoniac with a nodule. He said walk till right before I can’t breathe and don’t overdo, which as you will see in the next graph, is not easy for me to gauge being slightly OCD or something of that ilk.

My pastor also dropped by to pray for me, and after I showered, dressed, and frantically tried to convince my husband that we had to clean the house in the 20 minutes for our pastor to travel to us, I was told to sit down--kind of reminding me of my father ordering us girls to “light” as if we were bugs. Anyway, I obeyed--both times.

So, I will being seeing a specialist, I will be doing some light touring with Mic and Andy when they visit, and I can carry on with life, including chocolate (which is important, I tell you). It appears as if I may live, and since I am not dying (yet), this may curtail my getting all my wishes granted (I choose all the movies, we go to Italy soon, and I get to beat all my friends at Bejeweled). But at least I have you all, family and friends so loving and sweet to me. Who could ask for more than that? Except, maybe choc...OK, OK, I will stop with the hinting.


  1. I can't think of anything wise and witty to say so I'll just say "I love you" and promise that whatever happens, we'll do it together. Really though, I don't see anything but normal healing throughout.

  2. What people say about you spinning straw into gold in the way you know how to encourage very true. You have the gift. I pray that God uplifts your spirits as you move through the discovery process of whatever the specialist does or does not find. I pray it is nothing.

  3. Just so you guys know, sometimes my readers make comments that I publish for them. If they have initials, they are not my words. Didn't want you to think I pat myself on the back. lol

  4. you must have forgotten what you are getting for xmas this year ;o)

  5. you must have forgotten what you're getting for xmas this year ;o)

  6. "I just read your latest blog entry; tried to post comment but I am not a member of any of the links, so will just post here: nobody likes the word "nodule" and I pray it will be found to be not too serious! What a bummer to worry when everyone celebrates Jesus birth and 2010! Jay is a stalwart: you are blessed to have each other, a wonderful family and circle of friends Aaron

  7. Dang. I'm for once speechless. We get handed these *things* in our lives, and some people tend to blame God for them, as though He were some conniving puppeteer, when, I think, things just happen, chaotically, and we go to go to Him for strength, for comfort, for that Higher Thing. Well...for speechless, there's at least something, initially. You ARE in my thoughts my long-lost-found Friend! Dang!

  8. And of course I don't blame God. I try to remember the wisdom of Lola Falana who when she contracted MS prayed: Oh Creator of the universe, my creator, what do you have in mind for me in this situation. If we all prayed like that, we would change the world.

  9. It's good to see that no matter what befalls us in our lives we can still look on the bright side of things,like chocolate..... was good to meet you at the lab. take care of you. It was an absolute pleasure to be in your company.

  10. hi Marjorie Pamela flicker here at last
    and here as you requested to read your latest blogg. Well what can i say!!! only you know my problem and it near to yours at the moment, but all i can say it is treatable and not to worry at all, you will be fine, just come in FB and we can chat ok lots of hugssss and xxxxxx

  11. The feeling is entirely mutual Willow. You were a great comfort.
