Look at my face: tears of joy streaming down my face because of the kindness of our hotel staff. We were looking at apartments, begging for house sitting, considering living apart until the house sells, when one of the residents suggested we negotiate with the hotel. After all, 16 months has to be one of the longest stays they’ve seen.
So now, instead of feeling homeless, we are deeply grateful for a rate that allows us to stay until our house sells. I can’t believe it. Not only am I feeling amazed at how much I WANT to stay, but I am noticing all of the blessings I kind of bypassed before: flowers blooming all around me. I have a gardener! Meals have improved astronomically. Vegetables every night—even dark greens. Quick fixes on sluggish drains. New cable channels available at no extra cost. The list is long, but when I added up the cost of an apartment, with utilities, Internet, cable, moving furniture, dishes, pots and pans, cleaning products, cars, etc. it turned out not to be the great respite I imagined.
Life here isn’t so bad after all. In fact. Life is pretty good.
We still need to move on—get the house sold, get settled. But for now, we are thanking God with all of our hearts.